Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Family Tree Update

I recently attended a Family History Guest Speaker event. One of the speakers discussed 'Researching your Convict Ancestors'. She suggested that if you come across an ancestor's death certificate that has very little information it is usually a clue that they may have been a convict and were trying to hide their past from their children. This statement rang some bells. My great great grandfather, John Parker was a brick wall. All I knew was that he came from Lancashire, according to the information his wife noted on his death certificate. Parents were 'not known'.
I searched the Queensland State Records convict database and bingo! I found a John Parker from Lancashire who was the same age as my John Parker.
Additional research found that John, his brother Ambrose and his father, John (the elder/Snr.) were all transported to Australia for 'Larceny'.
John Snr, arrived on board Mary Anne in late 1835 and John Jnr, and Ambrose arrived on board 'John Barry' in 1836.
I hope to find additional information regarding the court hearing which was at the Lancaster Quarter Sessions.
To be continued........
If you would like additional information, please contact me.